On Sun, Jun 03, 2012 at 09:00:55PM +0100, Jeremy Henty wrote:
I would be wary of applying this patch without further thought. I run Dillo with a very similar patch and it breaks *many* more pages than it fixes. It is unfortunately necessary to detect and recover from quoting errors in attributes. For instance, the web is *full* of pages with tags containing this:
If you don't detect and ignore that extra double quote you will break many pages that every other browser renders perfectly well.
Then there should be some logic for detecting double quotes. Searching for < inside quotes is not the right way as it breaks valid pages like reddit main page. Can you give examples of real web pages with double quotes?
It's not even that uncommon to see monstrosities like this:
<div title=""abc""">def</div> does not show tip "abc" for def in Firefox. It silently displays nothing in Dillo after patch, however. I will try to fix it.
It is also common to see short attributes (often CSS lengths) delimited with a mixture of single and double quotes, eg:
<div title="abc'>def</div> displays nothing in Firefox. What browser can render it?