On Sat, 18 Oct 2008 22:50:39 +0000 "corvid" <corvid@lavabit.com> wrote:
Tomas wrote:
I don't know what's causing that but going to www.polarhome.com/~hakim pops-up "save as" window
If you have show_msg=YES in your dillorc, you get a message about the content-type not being viewable. My mistake - Content-type was indicated incorrectly though dillo is the first browser not to render it.
5) When clicked on a link to some file which is not web page dillo should bring up a window asking where I want to save it instead of displaying warning saying it's not a txt file.
I don't understand what the difference is between this and the polarhome one that you just mentioned. Or are you saying a link to a local file?
The difference is that in the polarhome case it pops up a "save as" window & in this one it doesn't (even it should). The web page I used here is http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/hv3.html (try to click on any file which should be downloaded). -- Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think. - A. Bierce