On Thu, 19 Jun 2003 13:46:02 -0400 (EDT) David McKee <dmckee@jlab.org> wrote:
Of late dillo has started getting into a state where all progress stop in all open windows, and it sits on the CPU---keeping my load average at 1.0
Sometimes it recovers after a while, sometime I get fed up and close all windows at the WM manager level. Stopping all the active windows doesn't cure it, nor does closing them. I haven't tried using the `Exit Dillo' menu item, but I'll do so on the next occurrence.
I have had a the same sort of problem - about the only consistency I can see behind it is that I can only remember it happening when I hit reload on an page that seems to have stalled part-way through. However, it doesn't *always* do it. Are you using a proxy server? I am, and from what I can remember when it does this, the reload (often, but not always) doesn't actually start over, so I suspect that my proxy server still has an open connection (which has stalled) and just resends what it's got so far. The 100% cpu usage ends when(if) the reload completes, and I(think) it also ends when the connection times out. Next time it happens, I'll try to get something more concrete. -- Stephen Lewis slewis@paradise.net.nz