Hi, I'm trying to hack a mailreader dpi for dillo, and I have some code which runs on top of nmh and works decently, ( I looked at exmh :-) ). So now I wan't to know where the dpi's are heading ? Mainly if there is a plan for 'dynamic dpi configuration' and such, i.e. the ability to use a dpi bound at runtime, I have looked at the bookmarks dpi, and since parts of it is compiled into the binary ( the button binding and such ), I am wondering how to handle this in a future safe manner ? ( btw. the mail reader works something like a local webmailer, and I wanted somthing which made extensive use of comand line mail utilities which alredy exist ). So is there a furure target to aim for or do I make it a patch a'la bookmarks ? / regards, Lars Segerlund.