Hello, First of all,let me say that i don't know a command-line from a chorus line-my feeble knowlege of Linux consists mainly of downloading Apt and Synaptic for my RH7.3 and FC1 distros,and handling it all from the GUI. Just letting you know that your'e dealing with a novice here. : ) I like the concept behind Dillo,simple and fast.I understand that you might be working on a version for frames later on,which would be even better of course.My question though-without reliance on the usual Mozilla plug-ins(which Galeon,Epiphany and Firefox also use) is there anything I can download as a helper application? Would the full Java,for example,interact at all with Dillo when browsing the Web? Would Realplayer,or Gxine with Real plug-ins(i'm on Gnome,of course). Thanks in Advance, Randy