Devid wrote:
is possible to switch to fltk1.3? I sent a lot of emails to fltk developers trying to get the license issue of fltk2 (http://www.fltk.org/str.php?L2198+P0+S-2+C0+I0+E0+Qlicense) fixed but I still (after months of sent emails) haven't gotten a reply. dillo is going to be removed from Debian and Ubuntu repositories because it depends on removed packages and the newest dillo release cannot be uploaded because fltk2 is not in the repositories and it cannot be accepted due to the license issue. Is possible to switch to fltk1.3 or to another toolkit please?
Does anyone know how close 1.3 is to being usable? ISTR that, the last time the matter of 1.3 came up, someone among the regulars here felt that it was closer than I had thought it was going to be. I know there's http://svn.easysw.com/public/fltk/fltk/branches/branch-1.3/TODO.utf8 but I don't know whether it reflects the current state of things.