On Fri, Jun 06, 2003 at 11:50:06PM +0200, Frank de Lange wrote:
Anyone have any special wishes for this tabbed feature? Architecturally it is easy to move tabs between browser windows, or move single tabs into new browserwindows (like Galeon does), but is this needed? Also, tab-close buttons on the tabs, in the tab button-3 menu, elsewhere?
I prefer Mozilla's model for closing tabs: there is a single close button somewhere to the right of the tabs, which closes the active tab. The tab button-3 menu can be used to close an inactive tab if desired. (Putting tab-close buttons on every tab clutters the interface, and it means you have to hunt around for the proper close button instead of having it fixed in a constant location.) The most important functionality, in my opinion, is to have the option of loading a link in the background without automatically switching focus to that tab. I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Paul