2 Jan
2 Jan
4:13 p.m.
Greetings all,
I am new to Dillo. I just heard about it on the openbsd.org site and it sounded like just what i'm looking for. I am having a problem with 'Make' however, i was hoping someone might be able to give some useful insight. This is a base openbsd 2.8 install, (trying it on this machine first), with nothing unusual and a GENERIC kernel.
`Make check' dies with the following: [...]
I am including my `sh ./configure', which appeared ok. I realize this is a long file and post and i apologize for any unnessary bandwidth that is eatin' up by my post.
Apology accepted, but at least you could have read the "README" file (section *BSD). If gmake doesn't solve it, please feel free to write to the list though! Cheers Jorge.-