On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 20:35:27 +0100 Nigel Wilkinson <nigel@waspz.plus.com> wrote:
Evenin' all
I'm trying to patch the CVS with the tab patch but I haven't used patch much. The problem I'm haveing is that I don't know which directory to run the path from, it keeps complaining that it can't find the file to patch
You need to cd to the dillo directory before applying the patch: Assuming you have dillo CVS in /usr/src/dillo-cvs/dillo, and you do NOT want to apply the patch over the CVS directory itself (good idea, as you might want to update the CVS later...): % cd /usr/src/dillo-cvs (or whereever the dillo directory resides) % cp -rd dillo dillo_tabs (this copies the CVS dir to a new dir) % cd dillo_tabs (go to the new dir) % zcat dillo-20030821-tabs.patch.gz | patch -p1 (apply patch) % ./autogen.sh (generate configure and Makefile.in) % ./configure (with whatever options you prefer) % make % make install Easy, not? Cheers//Frank -- WWWWW ________________________ ## o o\ / Frank de Lange \ }# \| / +46-734352015 \ \ `--| _/ <Hacker for Hire> \ `---' \ +31-640037120 / \ frank@unternet.org / `------------------------' [ "Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est." ]