Note: When Indian continues to maintain his https patch i'll probably do not bother with mine, lazy as i am... Also the Indian's idea of cleaning up ccc into something more easy to understand is nice (current ccc has at least one bad property - it is _hard_ to understand what goes on in it).
It is my intention to keep my https up to date, it will be in a couple of days. I'm more or less waiting till Jorge tells me that I may go ahead with writing a patch that does that IOData and GDK stuff, or that he wants to keep it as it is now. That way it's clear for me what I can do, and how the more final version of my https patch should look like. I started documenting how the CCC functions are used currently in Dillo. After having it clear what happens now it's easier to see how to improve it, and what's wrong with the existing implementation. I do not know how hard it is to manage an experimental CVS branch, it has advantages and disadvantages. One pro is that the patches always work with eachother, because they use the same code, but that also means that the patches won't work seperately, that is, there is just an extended Dillo version, and no real patches anymore. It is very good to work with a stable code base, because then it's clear that all the encountered bugs are caused by your code, and not by someone else's code. Also it's useful when the base code doesn't change that much, especially when the patch is young. It is easier to keep the code up to date when it has it's own cvs branch, but on the other hand it could also mean that if someone drops his code and stops working on it, that someone else need to keep it up to date. Altogether quite risky. Of course everything is much simpler when only a few people use the alternative branch, it shouldn't be a dump place for never updated patches (tiny ones are ok of course). I think it will be only succesful when the branch is used only for things that have a chance to come in the official Dillo, as a sort of testing and developing place. Otherwise it will be very hard to keep it in sync with the official Dillo version, and the changes will only become greater after a while. Greetings, Indan