Am Fri, 23 Jul 2010 17:33:37 -0800 schrieb Roger <>:
I now changed it to: #middle_click_drags_page=NO
Reran Dillo and I can now copy/paste into Dillo's web page forms without the output from the copy buffer always going into the Dillo url entry box!
Uh. That's collateral damage from a change I prompted ... I have to say sorry for actually seeing this misbehaviour but somehow managing not to raise the issue. As the user who wanted the pasting into the general window area to cause loading of an URL, as it happens to work in other browsers, I want to emphasize that I also think that this URL loading should happen only if there was no other sensible area for pasting underneath the cursor. This is how it usually works: Pasting into some form field causes insertion of the text there, pasting without anything special there means pasting to the browser as such, which triggers loading of the text as URL. Is this tricky to achieve with FLTK? I don't have any time to devote to this myself (apart from testing a bit), nor do I have experience with the dillo code. I have hope that it's not seriously complicated, but if the focus management happens to explicitly not anticipate such situations, it might non-trivial. But again, this is how other browsers work -- it would suit dillo to fulfill such basic expectations. Alrighty then, Thomas. PS: Sorry again, for not settling this one earlier...