* Jeremy Henty <onepoint@starurchin.org> [080315 13:54]:
a_Dpiapi_dialog() calls a_Dialog_choice3() with 2 parameters instead of 3. This causes the dialog to pop up a third button with a garbage label, and valgrind reports 'Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)' from inside FLTK. Patch attached.
This bug slipped through because dpiapi.c does not include dialog.hh to get the prototype of a_Dialog_choice3() . I'm not sure how to fix this: should a C source file be including a C++ header? If not, how else can dpiapi.c get the prototype?
Ah thanks! I add it to step 2 :) In the meantime you need to apply this again to my updated version of step 1. You were faster than me :) Kind regards, Christian -- You may use my gpg key for replies: pub 1024D/47F79788 2005/02/02 Christian Kellermann (C-Keen)