On Thu, Nov 20, 2003 at 08:48:56PM +0100, Indan Zupancic wrote:
I did a little test, I compared the memory usage between opening new Dillo's and opening just new windows, both opened the splash screen. I opened 50 new Dillo's and 20 new windows (20 because I had to load the splash screen manually, and the memory usage is constant anyway). I used top and the total used memory numbers. One Dillo was already running (used to open new windows and precache stuff).
1369 k/Dillo versus 795 k/window.
This means that a new Dillo uses 1.7 times more memory than a new window.
If this were the only concern, then maybe the solution is to implement some sort of commandline option (e.g. --unified) that will 1) launch a new dillo if none are already running 2) open a new window (or tab?) if there is already a dillo running Interested users could then "alias dillo='dillo --unified'" to get the behavior you want. Of course, this does not have the benefit of simplifying the code, but it would be a nice feature. I think being able to launch multiple dillo processes can be useful. Paul