Hello Corvid, You hit the nail on its head. I will definitely use iterators to iterate on the words on a page. I do have the code with me which is based on findtext.cc as mentioned by Johannes. But, using iterators I can move to a word on a page. But to get its style, I still need to access the "x_link" variable which is in the class Textblock. Therefore, my understanding was to use both iterator class and the Textblock class as well. However, after seeing your email I get a feeling that my understanding might be incorrect. So, right now, my problem is not in using iterators (Which I intend to do anyways) but getting the x_link variable which is in Textblock class. Please let me know where am I wrong. regards, Rajesh Marathe. On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 9:20 PM, corvid <corvid@lavabit.com> wrote:
Rajesh wrote:
Johannes wrote:
Please let me know the changes that are needed to make the above work.
::dw::Textblock may link...but more importantly...
I would expect some code that uses the existing iterator mechanism to walk through a page and find links and buttons, and so on. Maybe you could use findtext.cc as an example.
As Johannes is saying, and as I detailed in earlier mail ( http://lists.auriga.wearlab.de/pipermail/dillo-dev/2010-March/007396.html), I would expect the use of iterators. It's not clear to me why you want a Textblock instead, particularly one of your own that isn't part of the page.
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