On Mon, May 30, 2011 at 3:38 PM, corvid <corvid@lavabit.com> wrote:
As I was guessing, the busy wait is still there ONLY for the first tab (whether entered from command line or in the browser). But now any second tab will get stuff working, and I never see a page not loading again. So for now I'm assuming this busy wait of the first tab is an orthogonal issue and leave it alone (for now I can launch dillo as $src/dillo www.yahoo.com www.google.com and they both load fine).
So, it seems the bug stems somewhere in the stylesheets support, and
reza wrote: perhaps
the repush issue was pointing to this as well.
Do you have any problems when repushes are triggered by meta tags changing the character encoding (Html_tag_open_meta() )?
There is no problem with them with the CSS support disabled. I can open a page with META and charset in the HEAD ( http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USAPstieglitz.htm), and it opens fine. I successfully see ">>>> a_Nav_repush <<<<" in the logs. With CSS support enabled, the same page with META (and a bit of CSS) does not load. Interestingly, loading it DOES NOT force a repush, even though it should since that page has <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> Note: seeing a ">>>> a_Nav_repush <<<<" in the logs is more of an indication that something good happened which opens the clog. So the question is, what happens during CSS parsing that forces a repush? Or looking at the problem the other way, why disabling the CSS support makes pages work without a repush, while having the CSS clogs them until something happens that a repush takes place?
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