Hi Günter, G. Milde writes:
Dear developers,
What could I do to turn off (or limit) the internal cache?
No, not in "vanilla" Dillo.
Was the cache_size option in the debian package an unofficial patch? I would really like to see this patch in the mainstream, as I am short on RAM here...
Yes, this is an unofficial patch. I wrote that patch in 2002-2003. Since then, my life turned upside down a few times. Right now, I'm just focusing on avoiding heart attacks from overworking ;-) Regardless, there are two relevant posts about the subject: The message explaining the internals of the patch: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=1642897 The lastest version of the patch: http://lists.auriga.wearlab.de/pipermail/dillo-dev/2003-January/000073.html I think it last applied cleanly to Dillo 0.7.0 (from early 2003). Of course, I expect it to not apply cleanly at all today. However, the good part is that the entire patch was only less than 150 lines of code; it probably would take someone just a few days to reintegrate it. If anyone wants to grab this patch and update it, before you do, please make sure with Jorge if he is interested. Although _I_ feel that this patch is extremely important to Dillo, I have no idea why Jorge didn't integrate it in the first place, at the time (although, I have a hunch he was too busy, and this was not so high in his priority list...). If you have any questions, please go ahead and ask. Oh, and just for the record, there used to be a "featureful" version of the patch, which had a couple of interesting facilities (viewing the cache contents, and flushing everything from the cache). They were ripped from the newest versions of the patch, but are described here: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=1642897 And links to all patches are within the posts I linked here. Good luck, Livio