On Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 03:47:37PM +0000, corvid wrote:
Johannes wrote:
On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 10:54:47PM +0000, corvid wrote:
Johannes wrote:
On Tue, Oct 07, 2008 at 06:12:47PM +0000, corvid wrote:
Johannes wrote:
Excellent. From previous announcements I'd expect the next weekly fltk2 snapshot by friday. Is there anything left we need for the release? What about the binary and config file name?
We have to remember to take clear_double_buffer out before releasing.
I thought we would keep it. Without it things get awfully slow here with more than 5 windows. Also all the backBuffer stuff in FltkViewBase would be unnecessary then. Are you seeing any problems with clear_double_buffer()?
In the course of this thread: http://lists.auriga.wearlab.de/pipermail/dillo-dev/2008-April/004022.html we learned that drawing with antialiased fonts is exceedingly slow for me for some reason with clear_double_buffer.
I thought that had been resolved by changing the color depth.
16-bit is amazingly slow and 24-bit is less slow, but 24-bit made other things like rxvt quite slow.
Turning off antialiasing made it very fast, but then if I want good unicode coverage...
Well, I know it often looks ugly, but you can turn off antiliasing while keeping xft and using ttf fonts by putting a .fonts.conf file with: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd"> <fontconfig> <match target="font"> <edit name="antialias" mode="assign"> <bool>false</bool> </edit> </match> </fontconfig> in your home directory. Maybe it's worth a try. Cheers, Johannes