On Friday October 17 at 10:10am Kelson Vibber <kelson@pobox.com> wrote:
I've been using SpamAssassin for well over a year now. While it's very effective, there are occasionally false positives (fewer now than there used to be, but they haven't disappeared completely). If it's possible with Mailman, I'd suggest quarantining mail that SpamAssassin labels, rather than deleting it outright.
Yeah, I use it too, it's pretty good. However, a mailing list is not anywhere near the same as a regular mailbox. Consider, that they do quarantine messages. Perhaps 1% is marked 'unsure.' Now consider that this is not the only mailing list maintained by auriga.wearlab.de. Let's assume 1000 messages per day across all mailing lists. That's 100 messages that must be scanned, every day, probably by someone who is not getting paid. Considering that I only have 87 messages in dillo-dev, and I've been watching the list for some time, thats almost 1 message lost. Could it have been some super-important message? No, because while dillo is really really cool, it's not all too critical (at least not for me). Plus, if it is super-critical, use email, not mailing lists. I, for one, really appreciate the list green-lighting this spam removal. -- -johann koenig Today is Sweetmorn, the 67th day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3169 My public pgp key: http://mental-graffiti.com/pgp/johannkoenig.pgp