23 Apr
23 Apr
10:37 p.m.
On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 06:01:56PM +0200, Hofmann Johannes wrote:
It turns out that memory related to aborted images is not released.
What about the other way round, ie. memory being released and then accessed? If you check the invalid read errors at the valgrind logs page[1] for the past few days you will see they are all due to reading freed image memory. Is this another aspect of the same thing, or something else?
I tried to figure out, why the first cache client is not getting aborted properly but the cache related code is quite complex... Does anyone know how this should work?
No, I found that part of the code rather brainbending I'm afraid. Regards, Jeremy Henty [1] http://starurchin.org/dillo/valgrind.html