Jorge wrote:
Just committed a patch that's being a delight to test! :)
It's the long waited for "empty cache entries removal". Now it's done automatically on clicking a new link, and manually with the Stop button.
It doesn't sound impressive, but for instance, if you hit a blog site full of heavy images, hitting the Stop button will abort all the empty connections (not only stop rendering as in the past). This allows for much faster browsing, especially with low bandwidth, as the bandwidth is "rescued" from unwanted contents.
Another gain happens when a requested link takes a long time to start flowing (e.g. ignored request by a busy browser). Just press stop, click the link again and there you are.
Please test, and enjoy!
I just noticed that if I press Stop when an image is partly loaded, leave the page, and return, the image is gone. I wanted the image to stay because it was an image map and the part I cared about had already been received.