9 Feb
9 Feb
7:44 p.m.
On Mon, Feb 09, 2009 at 06:11:36PM +0000, Jo?o Ricardo Louren?o wrote:
Dom, 2009-02-08 ?s 20:59 +0000, corvid escreveu:
I notice that if I search backward for a space, it won't loop back to the end after reaching the top.
Thanks for reporting that.
I've been digging through the code, seeking for an explanation, but can't seem to find it. Any ideas?
It's odd that it happens only with a space, and I've been checking and it *seems* that the code finds the character, what can be wrong?
Anyway, I'll keep digging...
Please assign less priority to this bug, than to the close-tab button. -- Cheers Jorge.-