--- On Fri, 7/24/09, Jorge Arellano Cid <jcid@dillo.org> wrote:
From: Jorge Arellano Cid <jcid@dillo.org> Subject: [Dillo-dev] Planning To: "Dillo mailing list" <dillo-dev@dillo.org> Date: Friday, July 24, 2009, 11:33 AM Hi,
? Here? are? some? pending? issues which I've partially sorted by priority (at least the top half). Please add the missing ones and let's try to finish sorting it, with a view to planify our work.
* Add blocker (this also has to do with privacy). ???A? full? RE-based? one? may? have? significant? overhead (test required),? but? simple string-matching may do most of the trick. I've? also? thought? for? a? long? time? that? a "don't load from other? sites"? preference? may? help a lot. The whole topic needs some thought but it's not hard to implement. ???e.g. doubleclick.
Or you could just point users to privoxy, junkbuster, WWWOFFLE, and/or polipo. I don't see any mention of a limit on concurrent connections that was proposed earlier, and as far as I know it hasn't been implemented. In addition to the reasons given earlier, it is very frustrating to have to implement your own traffic-shaping just to avoid being blocked by a rate/connection-limiting firewall, or to avoid being blocklisted by a site you had hoped to visit. I'd hate to see dillo gain a reputation as a problematic UserAgent, and perhaps be blocked by some heavy-handed administrators. b.